AK Glacier Adventure

Palmer, Alaska

As the first glimmer of sunrise painted the Alaskan sky, I met my friends in Anchorage. Our destination: Palmer, Alaska, where our adventure would begin. 

After the requisite weighing and strapping in we squeezed into a petite helicopter for our first stop: a glacier landing. Okay, imagine going from sweltering summer to a world of pristine ice and snow in mere minutes—it's a wild transformation. We touched down in a place where the horizon was dominated by majestic mountains and sprawling icefields. Crampons secured, we cautiously ventured forth, making sure our icy hike wouldn't turn into a hospital visit. 

Our guide led us to a glacier pool, a stunning shade of blue that words can't adequately describe. We scooped up a frigid sip, a water source for many of the instructors on their multitude of trips throughout the day.  

With a touch of penguin-like waddling, we continued our journey back to the helicopter. Upward, upward, through, around, and above the clouds, we ascended, bearing witness to the breathtaking mountain peaks cloaked in freshly fallen snow. Our helicopter landed gently on the snow, encircled by a bevy of Alaskan huskies. Five cozy blue huts, the homes of dedicated mushers, awaited us. After a chorus of "awws” petting these beautiful dogs, we set on.  

Our adventure continued with a thrilling dog sledding experience, guided by an enthusiastic and skilled musher. The bond between musher and dogs was heartwarming, and the dogs, all destined for the challenging Iditarod, displayed remarkable skill and discipline. Our sled journey was a rush, but the icing on the cake was meeting the next generation of sledding stars: the adorable puppies, whose cuteness left us all overflowing with joy.  

Back in the helicopter, we headed for base, our hearts brimming with exhilaration and gratitude. Our morning in Alaska had been truly one for the books — a once-in-a-lifetime experience that would forever etch a place in our memories.